5 Common Facebook Marketing Mistakes
Avoid these Pitfalls for a Successful Marketing Project
With more than 900 million users registered, Facebook is a veritable marketing paradise for businesspersons looking to attract more customers. Starbucks, Coca-Cola and other huge companies realized this and started making accounts. They became widely successful in achieving a large number of ‘Likes’ from the present members.
Small and medium-size businesses scramble up to create their own Facebook page. In their haste, they commit simple mistakes like creating a profile page instead of a fan base or choosing a group in place of a business page. Some people begin a campaign and forget it altogether because they think that the page is enough to keep customers enthralled. Interested in keeping your customers satisfied with your FB presence? Here are some bits of advice to help you in your marketing project:
1. Announcing Instead of Intriguing
Announcing you’re open for business and intriguing customers with information are two different things. One says, “I’m here,” while the other says, “This is how I came to be.” Engaging your audience with relevant and interesting content is more effective than telling them that you have these products or offer this type of services. This type of blatant self-promotion is off-putting and will actually make people click ‘Unlike.’
2. Neglecting Instead of Updating
Introducing your business to the Net requires more than just creating a Facebook page. Once you begin a campaign, you have to regularly post new status messages, post pictures and videos or arrange polls for your audience. This will make them like and comment on your page instead of just clicking around. If you update only once every month, then you won’t be able to quickly answer their questions and get back to the concerns which they posted. Doing this can result to negative feedback, which would backfire on you.
3. Stagnant Content vs. Varied Content
If you like to post informational articles, you run the risk of boring your audience. Mix things up with personal status updates like comments on the changing weather, greetings on local and national occasions, so on and so forth. Engaging people this way makes them feel closer to you and more liable to participate in the discussions you initiate. Make it a habit to intersperse your informative content with personal status messages and you’ll garner more clicks on the ‘Like’ button.
4. Underutilize or Maximize?
Facebook has many mechanisms for you to play with to make your page unique. Stand out from the rest of your competitors with a custom welcome image and catchy ‘About Us’ entry. When choosing pictures to upload, make sure that the pictures are clear with high resolution. If people see how much effort you’re expending to make the page look beautiful, they will get curious enough to click your tabs and see what you’re offering on your page.
5. Ignoring the Terms or Reading the Fine Print
For every agreement you enter, be sure to browse the terms and conditions over. Reading and understanding the rules makes you more conscious about making your page acceptable enough to pass random examinations. Take the time to review the rules and learn how to get the most out of your business page. You have more potential to be successful in your campaign if you stick to the prescribed regulations while keeping the content fun to read.
Source: http://www.openforum.com/idea-hub/topics/marketing/article/top-5-facebook-marketing-mistakes-small-businesses-make-leyl-master-black