Don’t Be Scared Of Facebook, Just Get Some Privacy
Just finished reading a log blog post (5 pages) by J.R. Bookwalter and thought it touched on some important ideas and information regarding Facebook privacy settings. So if you have a Facebook account check the excerpt below and list of subjects that he covers and if you have even the slightest interest in privacy I would click through to the origin post and read it all.
Once a stronghold of privacy, Facebook has started playing fast & loose with users’ personal data in recent months. If you’re scratching your head wondering how all of this affects you as a user of the service, read on.
The more the Internet becomes a part of all our lives, the more our privacy seems to be taken for granted. Search giant Google has been criticized at every turn for having “loose morals” when it comes to their users’ personal data, but they’re quickly being upstaged by the wildly popular social networking site Facebook — formerly a privacy “fortress of solitude,” but that’s changed in recent months.
Here are some of the privacy features you should know about:
- First Things First: My Account
- So Many Privacy Settings, So Little Time
- Personal Information and Posts
- Contact Information
- Friends, Tags and Connections
- Applications and Websites
- Search
- Block List
- If Only Life Had So Much Control
Remember Facebook is a great social tool that does a lot of great things for people but if used improperly can have devastating effects.