Get Paid For Your Ideas
Ran into his interesting website that sells software thatĀ helps organizations develop and grow ideas. The idea is solid and the software sounds like it could help organizations that are struggling with feedback problems relating to specific targeted problems.
The interesting part in the website is the area that lets you participate in problem solving and if your solution to the problem is chosen you are reimbursed for the idea. I think this is a great way to get peopleĀ involved in the proses of idea generation.
Here is an excerpt from the website.
How it Works
Companies post challenges with IdeaConnection. Register as a Problem Solver by clicking the link at the bottom of this page to help solve these challanges. You can be awarded $500 to $20,000 USD, for an accepted solution. As of Nov-20-09, the average award for working collaboratively on a challenge is $5,500 USD per team member.
Twenty Challenges
Today multiple teams are working on approximately 20 challenges. Awards range from $2,500 to $12,500 per Problem Solver. There are approximately two new challenges a week. All challenges are confidential.