Idea marathon

Idea marathon

I have an idea we could…

Image from his study where he has over 300,000 ideas in these note books.

Went to a very cool Idea Marathon yesterday.

It was presented by the Inventor of the system Mr. Takeo Higuchi.

Basically what you need to to is start putting all your ideas in a book (one book only) that you carry around with you everywhere. Wright done all your ideas and plans into this book and revisit the ideas in the book once a week as a reminder. After a while you will automatically remember all your ideas.

Anyhow keep writing in a chronological order and when the notebook is full put it in your Idea marathon shelf and start a new book. You should get a notebook that you can add pages to. At the end of the year put the book in your shelf and start a new one.

That’s it. Easy and if you can stick with putting in one new idea a day for one month you will notice that the quality of your ideas and your brain are much more focused. It is a col idea that is starting to spread around the world. Be the first on your block to be an Idea marathon champion.