Is Twitter Count… do the math
Here is a very interesting piece of research by HP that has the dubious tittle of “influence and Passivity in Social Media” and what is go on with twitter This is not a report for the faint hearted or for the die hard Twitterers and twitter-ets that post millions of short comments every day.
The ever-increasing amount of information flowing through Social Media forces the members of these networks to compete for attention and influence by relying on other people to spread their message.
An evaluation performed with a 2.5 million user data-set shows that our influence measure is a good predictor of URL clicks, outperforming several other measures that do not explicitly take user passivity into account. We also explicitly demonstrate that high popularity does not necessarily imply high influence and vice-versa.
Later in the paper you will have fun math like this to check out.
Hope you like it because my brain is hurting…