Making Twitter More Manageable

Making Twitter More Manageable

Tweetburner is a twitter mashup that allows you to create tiny URLs and also allow you to track how many times they where clicked on it.

Just ran into this great blog regarding Twitter mashups. Also you will find several more links at the bottom of this post that are from the comments section of the blog.

So please enjoy these 19 mashups for twitter, that enable you to combine internet resources like Google Maps with your Twitter data. There are also some great ways to make Twitter a bit more visual regarding data but also some nice ideas regarding how to manage your Twitter overload situations. Thanks to Thomson Chemmanoor blog post for this great info.

More great Links to Twitter tools:
Twitter History Add your Twitter backlog feed to your favorite calendar application and browse through your personal Twitter diary, making your Twitter history both fun and useful!

TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application that is currently in public beta. It aims to evolve the existing functionality of Twitter by taking an abundance of information i.e twitter feeds, and breaking it down into more manageable bite sized pieces.

fb2Twitter Get your Facebook status automatically copied to your Twitter account whenever you update it.