What makes an ad great?
Think of all the ads you have seen over the years. Think of the cool images and the cool headlines. Now think… did you go out and buy that product or just feel good about the experience.
The difference between a good and and a timely ad is probably the most profound thing in the marketing game. Hitting your target with exactly the right message at exactly the right time is so rare it’s laughable. So how do great ads work if they don’t actually get people to buy your product immediately.
Brand awareness comes into play. If someone is aware of “your brand” or the “concept of your service” you stand a higher chance of getting a response when that person or business is ready to buy.
So if you plan to make an ad start by thinking about the emotional message, something that will hit home. Don’t think that if you put all the “facts” into the ad people will suddenly have to buy your product. The human brain does not work that way. The human brain likes to be entertained, so get a message that will poke a section of the brain that will entertain or stimulate. Love, family, wealth, fear, piece of mind, hunger, etc… these are all emotional responses.
If you are consistent in your communication eventually the emotion associated with your service will attached to your message. Your target market will associate that emotion with your message and remember it. Wendy’s tag-line used hummer, “Wheres the beef” (First airing on January 10, 1984) Do you still remember the little old ladies?
If every time that you are exposed to an ad it makes your “feel” a certain way than that is a memorable ad, and in the world of marketing that’s a great ad.
If your ad has something people can recall, refer to or use later that day to entertain your friends you have a great message and a great ad.
Next time lets talk about how to get a great message out there in front of people without killing your cash flow.