Images that Interest and Intrigue

Images that Interest and Intrigue

Tips to Make Your Target Audience Pinterested with Your Photos

Need Pinteresting pictures? Here are some methods that will catch the attention of your target audience:

1. Pin your own unique images.

When using Pinterest for your own campaigns, make sure you’re advertising your photos from your business. These images should reflect what you are as an entrepreneur and how you want your business to be seen. Make your store or retail outlet clean, neat and pretty. Take flattering pictures of your surroundings, the storefront and the store proper at different angles. Post pictures of customers using your merchandise. This is an effective marketing technique that will show prospective clients how people love your product.

2. Use target keywords in file names and individual pin descriptions.

Optimize your images with well-chosen keywords that will bring your Pinterest account on the first page of the search results. Make sure your pictures are appropriately titled using the alt text feature. This will help the spiders understand that your images are part of a particular category. For example, you want to post a picture of a blueberry cheesecake. You don’t want to make a mistake and name that picture, ‘blueberry cake’ or ‘blueberry pie.’

3. Pay attention to the image size.

As images are the main focus on Pinterest, you should pay attention to the image size. Make sure it’s not too small so it would look well when clicked. The optimal size should be at least 600 pixels with the thumbnail view at 190 pixels. Use these dimensions to size your Pinterest images accordingly. A picture that has not been appropriately sized will look strange and sloppy, so make sure you’re setting the right measurements for your images. You can also use whatever format, .jpg, .png or .bmp. Choose the right format that will effectively show off your subjects in a good light.

4. Pin quality photos with great visual appeal.

Before you snap a picture of your merchandise, make sure it looks good and is artfully displayed without any fixtures that might detract attention from it. A viewer may comment that your scarf looks really good but may get distracted by the floral curtain behind it. Make sure your background will complement your goods in a good way. Messy arrangements, loud colors and decorative furnishings can divert viewers from looking at your goods.

If you post quality pins, users will be more inclined to check out your content. If they like what they see, they’ll connect to you and interact with your content. They’ll click the heart icon or ‘Like’, comment and share your pictures. These images will function like a traditional brochure and generate leads that will increase your sales.

Have fun experimenting with your photos today! One of the pictures you’ll post may grab attention and lead a customer to call you about buying your merchandise.



Social Media Today