Open for Business in Pinterest

Open for Business in Pinterest

How to Use the Latest Social Site to Join the Social Networking Race


Pinterest is said to be women’s domain. It is estimated that for every 10 users, there are eight females and two males. Although women dominate this newcomer social media site, Pinterest is a leading referral traffic generator for retail brands. In the data gathered by TechCrunch in March 2012, Pinterest brought 3.6% of referrals while Twitter was barely ahead by 0.1%. This is particularly surprising as Pinterest is relatively new to the social networking race, while Twitter is an expert at it since 2006.

Businesses are interested in establishing their online presence through Pinterest because of the level of engagement users invest on this site. An increasing number of visitors go to Pinterest every month, not only because of the novelty it offers, but also the rich content that can be found here. It is also different from other visual sites as Pinterest shows all its content on the home page. All the pinboards are there, allowing you to click and see the pins inside. The interface is easy to customize, which makes it very attractive for users who want to personalize their page.

Excited to use Pinterest for your marketing campaign? Joined Pinterest but don’t know how to fully unlock its potential for your business? Here are some tips from a Synecore Technologies infographic:

It is best to pin on 2 pm to 4 pm on Thursdays and 1 am to 8 pm on Saturdays. Pinning on Thursday afternoons allows you much time in choosing which pins to post just in time for the online traffic rush on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Users are more active during these days because these are common rest days, especially for the working population.

What posts do you pin?

First things to consider are well-taken pictures of your products. If you don’t want to hire a professional photographer, learn how to take good pictures and take some creative shots of your own merchandise. With enough practice, you’ll become adept in presenting your goods in a pretty manner that will attract many sets of eyeballs.

Pinterest users love it when a business is very engaging. Bring your business closer to your followers with pictures of your workplace and staff. Take pictures of how your employees create and prepare your goods. Have old photos of last year’s thrilling team building activity? Show them off to the public. This will be particularly fascinating for followers who are great fans of your business. They naturally want to know more about your business, and this type of posts will further endear them to you.

Infographics are also great ideas. According to Wikipedia, these are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. This allows people to quickly grasp complex ideas because of the clear way the facts are shown. If you need to inform your customers about something complicated, an infographics will be effective in conveying what you need them to learn.

Want to drive more traffic to your blog? Try posting snippets from your articles. Pick out the most interesting statements to prick their interest. Add a link to your blog or place the web address on the end of each snapshot of the blog post so followers can check out your posts. You can also post your resource pages or references. This will help your readers when they need to check some information they see on your posts.

Post videos on your Pinterest page. Make sure the ones you add to your account are short, well-shot and appealing enough to make the viewers watch up to the last second. Consult a professional if you’re not sure how to create videos that would make customers want to replay. Keep in mind that you have to make your videos ‘short and sweet’ to sustain interest.

Customer testimonials can also be posted. In fact, it would be better if you ask pictures from your customers showing them using your product or enjoying a service you provide. The caption will serve as their endorsement on how fine your merchandise is or how satisfied they are with your services. This will serve as proof for your claims about striving for ‘customer satisfaction,’ ‘excellent craftsmanship,’ and ‘reliable customer service.’

One more thing to post can be your proof of certifications, association memberships and other credentials that prove your qualification. For example, you’re a general contractor who wants to get more building commissions for new homes, cottages and residential domiciles. Create a pinboard where can post pictures of your state license/s, organizations and community guilds which you are a member of. You can also post recommendations from your professional associations, which will add to your credibility.



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